How founders and entrepreneurs can look after their mental health

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How founders and entrepreneurs can look after their mental health

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It's important for founders and entrepreneurs to prioritize their mental health just as they prioritise physical health. After all, their mental well-being can significantly impact their ability to make good decisions, be productive, and lead their team effectively. 

There are a few key steps that founders and entrepreneurs can take to look after their mental health, such as setting boundaries, practising self-care, and seeking support when needed. 

By implementing these strategies, founders and entrepreneurs can ensure that they are taking care of their mental well-being and setting themselves up for success.

Setting boundaries

Setting boundaries is a way of defining and protecting your physical and emotional space and your time and energy. It involves establishing clear limits and expectations with others and learning to say "no" when necessary. 

As a founder or entrepreneur, setting boundaries is important because it can help you manage your workload and avoid burnout. It can also help you build healthier relationships with your team, partners, and clients.

To set boundaries as a founder or entrepreneur, you first must be clear about your limits. This means taking stock of your time, energy, and priorities and determining what you are unwilling to do. You should also consider what is fair and reasonable for others to expect from you.

Once you have a clear sense of your boundaries, you must communicate them to others. This means being assertive and direct when expressing your needs and expectations. You should also be prepared to enforce your boundaries, even if it means saying "no" to someone or something.

It's important to remember that setting boundaries is an ongoing process. As your priorities and circumstances change, your boundaries may also need to adjust. It's also important to be flexible and willing to compromise when appropriate, but always with the goal of protecting your own mental well-being.


Self-care refers to the actions and habits that people engage in to maintain their physical, mental, and emotional health. As a founder or entrepreneur, self-care is important because it can help you manage the demands and stresses of running a business. It can also help you stay focused, energized, and resilient, which are all essential qualities for success.

There are many different ways to practice self-care as a founder or entrepreneur. Some examples include:

  • Prioritize your physical health by regular exercise, eating well, and getting enough sleep.
  • Managing your mental health by practising mindfulness, meditation, or other relaxation techniques.
  • Setting boundaries and saying "no" when necessary to avoid over-committing yourself.
  • Taking regular breaks to recharge and avoid burnout.
  • Pursuing hobbies and activities that bring you joy and fulfilment.

Self-care can also involve seeking support from others, such as friends, family, or a therapist. It's important to remember that self-care is not selfish or indulgent – it's an essential part of being a healthy, productive, and successful founder or entrepreneur.

Seeking support

Seeking support means reaching out to others for help, guidance, or advice when you need it. As a founder or entrepreneur, seeking support can be an important part of managing the challenges and stresses of running a business. It can help you stay focused, motivated, and resilient and can also provide valuable perspectives and ideas that can help you grow and succeed.

There are many different ways that a founder or entrepreneur can seek support. Some examples include:

  • Seeking advice or guidance from mentors, advisors, or other experienced business leaders.
  • Joining a support group or community of other founders or entrepreneurs who can provide advice, encouragement, and accountability.
  • Seeking help from a therapist or counsellor who can provide professional guidance and support.
  • Reaching out to friends, family, or other trusted individuals who can provide emotional support and encouragement.

It's important to remember that seeking support is not a sign of weakness – it's a sign of strength and resilience. By being open to seeking support, a founder or entrepreneur can gain valuable insights and resources to help them navigate the challenges of running a business and achieve their goals.


As founders and entrepreneurs, it's crucial to prioritize our mental health to be successful. This means protecting our time, energy, and emotional well-being by setting boundaries, practising self-care, and seeking support when needed. We can avoid burnout, stay focused, and make better decisions by prioritising our mental health. This, in turn, sets us up for success and helps us thrive as business leaders. While running a business can be demanding and challenging, we can navigate these challenges and achieve our goals with the right approach to mental health.

Resources that founders and entrepreneurs can use to look after their mental health

There are many online resources that founders and entrepreneurs can use to work on their mental health or seek support. Some examples include:

  • Online therapy or counselling platforms, such as BetterHelp, Talkspace, or 7 Cups, provide access to licensed therapists and counsellors.
  • Mental health support groups and forums, such as those on Reddit or Facebook, where founders and entrepreneurs can connect with others and share advice, experiences, and support.
  • Online self-care and mindfulness resources, such as apps like Headspace or Calm, which offer guided meditations, mindfulness exercises, and other tools to help manage stress and improve mental well-being.
  • Websites and blogs that offer advice and resources for founders and entrepreneurs, such as the Entrepreneur magazine website or the blog at The Muse, which provide articles, interviews, and other resources on mental health, self-care, and other relevant topics.
  • Founders Taboo, which is building a free online course & community for founders' mental health and well-being.

By using these online resources, founders and entrepreneurs can access valuable support and guidance to help them manage the challenges and stresses of running a business and improve their mental health.

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